My Sitemap

Alphabetical Sitemap
Navigation Menu Sitemap

  • This is the description for the index page of your site and so should include some appropriately keyword rich copy.
  • This is the index page for all your articles. By using the sub-age feature of XSitePro you can automatically generate a professional looking index just by creating sub-pages and then right clicking on the main articles page and selecting "Insert Links to All Sub-Pages".
  • A quick and easy way of adding content to a site is to create a resources list. This can be anything from a simple list of appropriate web sites or it can be a full blown directory that includes mini-reviews of each of the sites listed.
  • Adding a list of useful web sites and be a quick and easy way of generating a content rich page that will be useful to visitors, but that should also rank well in the search engines if the sites are appropriate and the descriptions you enter for the sites make use of your chosen keywords and phrases.
  • Press releases are available from a wide variety of sources. They provide an excellent source for quality content and they can be edited to meet your particular requirements.
  • sitemap-page-order.html
  • Contact-Us.html
  • Privacy.html

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